Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 2: Sunday, May 19, 2013 - San Andrés and unpacking/organizing the clinic

We were hoping we would have internet access while on our medical mission trip to Guatemala, but it was not to be. Several of us kept journals while there last week, and eight of us will each be posting an entry for the days we were there. I am writing about our second day, May 19, 2013.

from Amy:
On our second day in Los Robles I woke up at 5 a.m. because light was coming through the windows. A little bit later as I lay there I heard music coming from the house across the street, and then at about 7 a.m. I heard them fire up the corn grinder. It's a loud machine-like noise that we heard first thing in the morning and also early evening. I figured I might as well get up then ;). Our wonderful cook, Dominga, made more fabulous meals for us today. Her food is all so good! I love that we have a local Mayan woman cooking traditional foods for us.

I remembered something else I saw on our way here from the airport yesterday. There were a lot of people on motorcycles, zipping past all of the vehicles, and we saw one guy texting while he was driving his motorcycle. yikes!

We have a sweet dog named Russo hanging around the house, and I think he's pretty excited we're here, leaving him bits of food and playing with him. Today after breakfast we went into a bigger village called San Andrés. Sixteen of us piled in one van which was pretty comical. Mario, our awesome driver for the week, maneuvers the roads really well even though they are like a roller coaster.

We went to a farmers market in San Andrés after an attempt to go to church, only to find out the services were in the early evening. On the way back to our house in Los Robles we stopped at an overlook that provided a gorgeous view of Lake Atitlán. It was an amazing place, even if it was extremely cloudy. I could have sat there all day. So peaceful. Such simple lives these people lead.

There was a woman and her children selling handmade goods at the overlook. I think we made her day by buying a lot of her things :). We then met a man who has one lung who walked up the mountain with the help of two big sticks. I later learned that our trip leader gave him money to get to Los Robles to the clinic tomorrow. (Monday he would receive a walker from us and teaching on how to use it). What a wonderful feeling that was.

Lastly, we went back to the clinic to unpack all of our bags of supplies and organize the clinic to open tomorrow. I am so excited for all of the good we can do here, and all of the amazing people we will meet.

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