Friday, May 31, 2013

May 21, 2013: Clinic Day 2

May 21, 2013
By: Grace

Today was the 2nd day the clinic at Los Robles was open for patients. Half of our team went to an outreach clinic while half of us stayed. I stayed at the home clinic with one of our NP. The dentist was still here today to pull teeth and fill cavities. Our team was able to provide many of his patients with pain medicine and antibiotics. We saw a total of about 35 patients (almost all women and children/babies) with a lot of the same conditions as yesterday. Apparently GERD is a huge problem down here, so we give out a lot of famotidine. Many of the women have chronic headaches and shoulder pain. We contribute that to the hard labor they do carrying their babies in slings on one shoulder and the water pitcher on their heads up and down the hills. Many of the children have lice, which means we have to treat the whole family or everyone who sleeps in the same bed. One family we had to give 8 bottles of lice treatment. We also saw a baby with scabies. His legs, belly, and cheeks were badly infested. One of the women who came in was 5 months pregnant and was concerned that the baby was moving less. I was able to doppler her baby's heart rate and we reassured her everything sounded great! (below are some pictures of precious faces)

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