Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 6- May 23, 2013 Mothers and Babies Day

Today was the mother's and babies day, and it certainly was just that! It seemed like everywhere I looked I saw a mom breastfeeding or children playing! It was a big day for women and children to come get seen at the clinic, and we had educational materials we taught.  Another group (I don't know the organization) stopped by and gave an educational speech... I think it was on clean water, but I didn't really get to check them out too much because I was working.  I worked in the registration area outside for most of the day.  It was hotter today, which was strange because the temperature has been so lovely, even chilly.  It was nice to have the warm sun though.  We had a failure to thrive baby today.  She looked so sick and pitiful.  This case has been a harder pill for me to swallow, because I felt helpless.  Every time I looked at her, I thought about what would be done if she was in a children's hospital in the states, and how we didn't have that option now.  She was just so tiny and didn't cry at all. We did oral rehydration therapy but for some reason I was terrified she wouldn't make it.  She did though. At least for today, but I won't ever know how things pan out for her.  It makes my heart hurt. But I realize you just have to do the best with what you have now. The rest is up to God I suppose.

On the bright side, an 88 year old woman came in today, and she was the happiest and sweetest soul I have ever met! I asked her what her secret was, and she told me to respect God and treat everyone as equals.  She said she was a Christian, and I replied I was too.  She reached out and touched my shoulder and said, "We are sisters in Christ then."  I was really taken back by her.  She was so kind.  And I thought here this lady was, calling me her sister, and we couldn't be more opposite.  We spoke different languages, wore different clothes, came from different cultures, had different views of the world, had decades between us in age, she was short and I seemed tall next to her... so on. But she called me her sister after talking to her for five minutes.  It was heartwarming and a real human moment. I won't ever forget her face or spirit.

During lunch I joined Beth and Grace out on the grass.  We talked and watched the kids playing.  It was nice and relaxing. The food was amazing, and I don't even know what it was! It was like these soft bread things wrapped in what I think might have been corn stalk, and rice and a veggie soup.  Grace went back to the clinic, and a little girl decided to take her spot.  Beth, true to her nature, offers her some of her food.  I followed suit, and the little girl ate it all.  Once Beth finished, I asked her to ask the little girl if she was still hungry.  The child said she wasn't, and Beth headed back to the clinic.  I continued to eat my food, because I was so hungry, but the little girl kept watching me.  I offered her my food again and she denied it.  I persisted, just one last time, and she finally accepted.  I have never seen someone eat so fast in my life! It was like I blinked and the whole bowl was licked clean! It made me feel just like my dad, because he would always cook so much food and make us plates even when we said we were not hungry... but we always ate everything he gave to us because it was so good.  She was a such a cute little kid. I wish I could just give her food all the time!

Tonight we all played cards, and then this game called Mafia.  Matt and I were the mafia, and we won! He said both mafia never make it to the end and win the game, so I guess we did a good job!  It was so much fun hanging out and playing games with everyone.  It makes me wish we never had phones, computers, or tv... that way we would be forced to entertain ourselves and each other! I feel really close with the people here, and being someone that keeps a lot to myself, that was shocking for me.  I know how to be nice and friendly to people, but I actually feel connected with the group! A real, genuine, human connection.  I didn't realize how much we are lacking this in the states because of all of our technological distractions.  But here, in Guatemala, we need each other. I feel so happy and have so much support from the group.  I am so blessed to be with such amazing people! And it is interesting to get to know all these things about people I thought I knew! I realize that I didn't actually know anyone (except for Kelsey and probably Tyler) prior to this trip.  I love them all very much and thankful for them all!

All in all, a great day with even better people.  I love this place, and the thought of leaving makes my heart ache. 

Until next time,
Bethany B.

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